What a great utility Drush is. If you don't know, it is a command-line utility for use to do all sorts of amazing things to a Drupal system. You can easily make a quick database backup with the following command:
I recently found a very cool service called Wuala which is a cloud backup/sync solution. I think it is really cool because it gives you 5GB free storage initially and all files are fully encrypted on your computer before they go to the cloud. I've been testing it for a while and I think I'm going to give it a try at some of my clients too. It allows you to share a folder with someone dynamically. Very cool! Check it out.www.wuala.com
Well I am once again reminded at how useful Terabyte's Image for Windows is. I upgraded my main computers hard drive and using Image for Windows, I installed the new drive and copied Windows to it, pulled out the old one and voila. What a nice reliable piece of software. I wish all software were this good. Love it! Can't recommend it enough. Buy it and they'll send me $5 woo woo!