Here is a random selection of useful things I've found on the macOS that make development easier. Enjoy!
memory clean
activity monitor
monosnap screen & vidcaps
disk utilities - repair permissions.
CMD + H to hide the current app
Display all environment variables
Display an environment variable:
echo $site
echo "$site"
Set/display environment variables
export PLATFORMSH_CLI_TOKEN=f7e55ce0b5af2c73zzzzzz
export site=utglobal
echo $site
echo "$site"
To switch between full screen app and windowed app: control left-arrow/right-arrow
brew install stats
Cmd + Ctrl + Space to open emoji picker
Or click on the little cassette on top right and select “show emojis and symbols”
To add the little cassette use settings, keyboard, click edit next to input sources, turn on show input menu in menu bar
To list all occurrences of phpcs, use which -a
which -a phpcs
Pinta - image editing app
Type of file: $ file * - tells you what type of files e.g. ASCII text, JSON, gzip compressed etc.
In finder, to preview a file, press space bar (again to make it go away)
qcachegrind - viewer for xdebug profiling data
brew install qcachegrind
task manager
force quit applications
Cmd + Option + Esc
eza - substitute for ls
eza -1 -r -s=size -al
eza -1 --reverse --sort=size -al
behat fails to run with: Error: “chromedriver” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified. Unable to launch the chrome browser
which chromedriver
xattr -d /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
Display hidden files in open files dialog
Cmd-Shift-. (. = period)
Command-Shift-3 takes the entire screen
Command-Shift-4 takes a portion of the screen
if you hate that delay when taking the screenshots with the floating thumbnail, press cmd+shift+5, then click options, then uncheck Show Floating Thumbnail
Mac Diagnostic software $130
Mac security blog
One of the utilities I use is OverSight, which flashes an alert any time an app wants to access the Mac’s FaceTime camera and microphone.
Checking out
cleanmymac - eh
clean my drive2 - eh
From Aaron Manire [2:28 PM]
@selwyn I’ve used a combination of AppCleaner and Daisy Disk
AppCleaner is good but it requires you to remove app by dropping it on appcleaner
AppTrap ( does it automagically - this one is good - installed
I don't trust Mac cleaners either, they've always come off as real sketch in my book. However, something I do use is this tiny piece of software called AppTrap (1.3MB). It's free and it integrates in your system preferences. Every time you delete an app, it'll automatically ask you if you also want to delete the associated preference files as well. That's really helped me get rid of useless pesky files I wouldn't necessarily know where to find otherwise and it doesn't make me feel like I'm using a Mac cleaner.
Create bootable USB stick
format as MS-DOS FAT
copy with balena etcher app
How much space used by directories
du -sh *
show the top ten sorted largest to smallest
du -sh * | sort -h -r | head -n 10
How much space in this dir:
du -sh
network utility: for netstat, lookup, whois etc.
run port scan
SQL: sequel-pro
Window off screen
If you can see a portion of the window, hold down the Option key and then click on one of the borders of the window. This will allow you to drag the window into full view.
Login as root:
sudo su -
Ctrl R - bash reverse search
It is even possible to capture a full sized screenshot without a browser extension.
– Open DevTools in Chrome (OPTION + CMD + I)
– Open the Command Menu (CMD + SHIFT + P) and type in “screenshot”
– Select one of the two options “Capture full size screenshot” of “Capture screenshot”.
– That’s it… the captured image will be downloaded to your computer
options are awesome screenshot chrome extension
Full Page Screen Capture is a Chrome plugin
pbcopy < file.txt
ps aux | pbcopy
ps aux | grep root | pbcopy
Paste clipboard to text file
pbpaste > pastetest.txt
pbpaste | grep rcp
ll -d */
ls -d */
ll -ad priv*
How much space used by directory
size of directory
du -sh file_path
e.g. du -sh /mnt/gluster/files/
list each directory with size (sorted by size)
du -sh * | sort -hr
more at
which port
To find out what process is using port 80
1. go to Applications
2. open utilities.
3. open Activity Monitor.
4. click on the Memory tab,
5. look at the ports and the processes using them. Find port 80 and select it
find . -name Vagrantfile
find . -name * (find anything with in the name)
find . -type f -name "*"
case insensitive (use find . -iname vagrantfile)
find ./ -type d -name 'migration_templates'find ./ -type d -name 'process'
find php.ini anywhere
sudo find / -name php.ini
Find files bigger than 500,000 byes in current directory (and below)
$ find . -size +500000 -print
find in file starting from current dir
grep -i -r -n --color 'config.split.develop' .
find this string in all php files in the settings dir
grep config_split settings/*.php
to check if the adfs saml port was open I ran:
$ nc -zv 49443
$ nc -zv 49443
Connection to 49443 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
Quick bash script to open your php.ini file
The local PHP environment should also have a memory limit of at least 2G for BLT to initialize. You can modify your PHP CLI's memory limit by editing php.ini. You can use the following command to open the correct php.ini in TextEdit. Set memory_limit = 2G.
open -a TextEdit $(php -i | grep "Loaded Configuration File" | cut -d" " -f 5)
Interactive search tool
drupal console pipe to peco
drupal | peco
Hidden utils in app e.g. MS Outlook
Finder, applications, right click on MS Outlook
Select “show package contents”
Click contents
Click SharedSupport
There are some programs eg. Outlook Profile Manager
To move profile to a new machine
File, export to OLM
On New machine, run profile manager
Create new profile, set as default
to extract xz files use xz
$ brew install xz
$ xz -d to-extract.xz
Outlook keeps asking for password:
Microsoft fixed the problem with one of the Outlook updates, but unfortunately, the update did not delete individual Keychain entries. Without removing those entries, the problem keeps reappearing. I had tried deleting some entries but missed a few until one of my readers of this blog provided a complete list of entries you need to delete.
Launch the Keychain tool and remove the following Keychain entries:
• Exchange
• Microsoft Office Identities…
• MSOpenTech.*
• Some “OC” keychain entry that might be unrelated
checkout multitail
Rectangle for moving/resizing windows with keyboard shortcuts (replaces SPECTACLE) Use CTRL+OPTION+arrow keys
MONOSNAP for screen caps
Command Option 1 for Capture frozen area - i.e. popup/dropdown/action
on Windows use monosnap Alt+Ctrl+5 (have to use PC keyboard tho)
multi-select in PHPStorm: cmd-Opt-Shift-A
option (or alt) click on the speaker icon top right to control sound source & dest
sudo !!
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
muzzle - silence embarrassing notifications during presentations
also looks like we can disable with Option + Click on Notification center icon on top right
change user folder to new domain user
df - list all devices
copy Recursive, with Properties, Verbose
cp -rpv
cp -r dir/ destdir (will create destdir and include all files)
(faster than scp apparently and can also do ssh)
rsynv -rv <source> <dest>
rsync -rv . ~/zzz (copy all files in current dir including .drush into ~/zzz)
rsync -rv /Users/selwyn/Sites/msh.bak/ ./docroot/ - copy all msh.bak contents into docroot
rsync -rvh /Users/selwyn/Sites/flex/docroot/sites/default/files/ .
rsync -rv /Users/selwyn/Downloads/drupal-7.67/ /Users/selwyn/Sites/msh/docroot/
(-h = numbers in human readable format)
Delete dest files not in source:
rsync -rvh --delete /Users/selwyn/Sites/flex/docroot/sites/default/files/ .
scp -r user@host:<source-dir> <dest-dir>
scp -r [email protected]:/var/www/html/ .
e.g. copy local file to remote
scp dbprod.sql.gz [email protected]:/var/www/ - view syslog output
tail /var/log/system.log
pushd ~/bin
popd (back to prev)
dirs -v (shows the dirs that are on the stack)
time <scriptname-goes-here> - outputs how long anything takes to run
e.g. time drush status
mdfind -onlyin ~/Documents essay
ls ~ | pbcopy
To re-attach a terminal tab after you drag it out to it’s own window
You need to, in the window you want to move, go to View-> Show Tab Bar (if the tab bar isn't showing already).
Then, drag the tab of the window you want to move onto the window you want to move it to.
basically you download
run it in a terminal window
give it a name (no spaces)
give it a url
give it an app icon
It creates an app which ends up in /User/selwyn.polit/Applications/
run the app
Excel - to edit a cell Control-U
apps get installed in applications folder
their files are installed in places like:
• /Library/Application Support/VMware
• /Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion
• /Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion
• ~/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion
• ~/Library/Caches/com.vmware.fusion
• ~/Library/Preferences/VMware Fusion
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusion.LSSharedFileList.plist
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusion.LSSharedFileList.plist.lockfile
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusion.plist
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusion.plist.lockfile
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusionDaemon.plist
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusionDaemon.plist.lockfile
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusionStartMenu.plist
• ~/Library/Preferences/com.vmware.fusionStartMenu.plist.lockfile
Note: In Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and later, the Library folder inside your user directory is hidden by default. To access your Library folder:
1. Click the Finder icon.
2. While pressing the Option key, click the Go menu. This reveals your Library folder.
launchctl loads and unloads services that start at login. In OS X, these services are represented by files ending with .plist (which stands for “property list”). These plists are usually stored in either ~/Library/LaunchAgents or /Library/LaunchAgents. You load them (i.e. tell them to start at login) with launchctl load $PATH_TO_LIST and unload them with launchctl unload $PATH_TO_LIST. Loading a plist tells the program it represents (e.g. redis) to start at login, while unloading it tells the program not to start at login.
lsof - listening on standard output file information
What is listening on port 80
sudo lsof -i :80 # checks port 80
What is listening on tcp/ip
lsof -i -sTCP:LISTEN
What’s listening on port 9000?
$ sudo lsof -n -i -P | grep 9000
php-fpm 585 selwyn 6u IPv4 0x3ddcac4b2247e049 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
php-fpm 623 selwyn 0u IPv4 0x3ddcac4b2247e049 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
php-fpm 624 selwyn 0u IPv4 0x3ddcac4b2247e049 0t0 TCP (LISTEN)
php 50006 selwyn 3u IPv4 0x3ddcac4b2247e941 0t0 TCP> (CLOSE_WAIT)
php 50006 selwyn 4u IPv4 0x3ddcac4b4b9e8429 0t0 TCP> (CLOSE_WAIT)
$ ps aux | grep 585
selwyn 585 0.0 0.0 2517132 2852 ?? S Mon03PM 0:05.39 /usr/local/opt/php71/sbin/php-fpm --nodaemonize --fpm-config /usr/local/etc/php/7.1/php-fpm.conf
kill -9 585
Another quick way to see what is listening on port 9000:
lsof -n -i4TCP:9000 | grep LISTEN
What is listening on any port:
lsof -n | grep LISTEN
Preview YML files in finder
The plugin qlstephen does in fact show the content of text-based files in the preview pane, not only the QuickLook window. What really threw me off was that the pop-up window & the pane embedded in finder are both called QuickLook.
Anyway, it's dead easy to install. Download the latest version from here:
Copy the binary to the directory ~/Library/QuickLook (create QuickLook if it doesn't already exist)
Settings for various applications
in Finder
Click GO, hold down option
it shows Library folder
This folder has all the various program configs
Create & nuke symbolic link to include a buncha stuff in Dropbox
link /Users/selwyn/bin so it goes to dropbox
$ ln -s /Users/selwyn/bin /Users/selwyn/Dropbox/selwynmacbin
$ ln -s /Users/selwyn.polit/Documents/ /Users/selwyn.polit/Dropbox/wfmacdocs
unlink wfmacdocs
ln -s /Users/selwyn.polit/Documents/Clients /Users/selwyn.polit/Dropbox/clients
unlink Clients
ln -s ~/Sites/veryst/web ~/Sites/veryst/docroot
ln -s ~/Sites/veryst/web ./docroot
ln -s ./web ./docroot
unlink docroot
brew install watch
watch -d -n 10 "command"
Adding the -d option to the watch command highlights the parts of the output that have changed since the last output. The -n option sets a delay interval; in this example, it's set to 10 seconds.
$ watch -d -n 10 "df -h"
grep -i
case insensitive search
hex editor
what is my ip
brew install chromedriver
brew edit chromedriver
brew install md5sha1sum
shasum -a 256
reboot in single user mode:
wait for chime, hold cmd-S
clear file system errors
fscy -fy
stay app to remember window positions
or Slate
is my local apache running?
curl localhost:80
disk usage browser
Super cool command line stuff:
Startup manager - restart & hold Option
safe mode - restart and hold shift
cowsay Hi Benji
I am trying to install some software, (Malwarebytes, although this issue has happened with other software), and I have to click "Allow" in System Preferences, in the Security & Privacy -> General window. When I click on it, nothing happens, and the button and message stays there.
This worked for me on High Sierra 10.13.4:
• System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Select 'All Controls'
Full Keyboard Access: In windows and dialogs, press Tab to move keyboard focus between
() Text boxes and lists only
() All Controls <— select this one
• System Preferences > Privacy & Security > Press 'Tab' until 'Allow' is selected > Press 'Spacebar'
Reset the NVRAM/PRAM and SMC
To reset the NVRAM (or, on older Macs, PRAM), reboot the Mac and hold down the following keyboard command during startup for at least twenty seconds: Command-Option-P-R.
An SMC reset is a bit more complicated, and Apple recommends it only after all other troubleshooting avenues have been exhausted.
If you're using a laptop:
1. Shut down your Mac and plug it in.
2. Restart the computer by pressing the Power button along with the keyboard command Shift-Control-Option.
3. Release these keys, then just press the Power button to properly start your computer.
Anti-virus Software for Mac
Intego - the one Barbara uses
Mac OS Security and Privacy Guide:
Some interesting tools from the Security and Privacy Guide:
Malware installs itself persistently, to ensure it's automatically re-executed at reboot. BlockBlock continually monitors common persistence locations and displays an alert whenever a persistent component is added to the OS.
Shell script that lists your macOS startup items and their startup policy. Also allows you to disable programs at startup
Upload files to virustotal for online scan:
Does your Mac becomes slow/unresponsive (fans kicking in etc.) when you `npm install` a huge project with a million tiny dependencies? I learned that adding an empty `.metadata_never_index` in /node_modules *beforehand* will prevent Spotlight from indexing all that crap.
`find . -type d -name "node_modules" -exec touch "{}/.metadata_never_index" \;` It will create that file for all node_modules folders.
gzip filename - create gzip file
gzip and Keep the original file
gzip -k filename
How to Test the Validity of a Compressed File
gzip -t filename
To List contents of zip
gzip -l filename.gz
Compress multiple files at once
gzip file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
This will compress all files specified in the command, note again that this will remove the original files specified by turning file1.txt, file2.txt and file3.txt into file1.txt.gz, file2.txt.gz and file3.txt.gz
if terminal asks for permission to execute stuff “terminal would like to administer your computer” try
tccutil reset All
It reports an error, but that seems to fix it
Force quit applications
Command-option-Escape to load it
$ du -hs * | sort -hr
94G Dropbox
88G Library
46G VirtualBox VMs
34G Sites
7.6G Downloads
1.6G programs
1.3G Documents
747M crap
and after a little cleaning 6-5-19
88G Library
87G Dropbox
46G VirtualBox VMs
32G Sites
7.6G Downloads
1.6G programs
1.3G Documents
Finder ~/Library sorted by size: 6-6-19
Containers 66.83G
Application support 14.85G
Caches 10.19G
Group Containers 3.27G
Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity
/dev/disk1s1 466Gi 449Gi 15Gi 97%
/dev/disk1s1 466Gi 403Gi 59Gi 88%
While running disk utility first aid:
ps -ef | grep fsck
0 13443 2923 0 1:29PM ?? 24:42.10 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/disk2s2
0 13443 2923 0 1:29PM ?? 53:14.02 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/disk2s2
0 13443 2923 0 1:29PM ?? 101:20.20 /System/Library/Filesystems/hfs.fs/Contents/Resources/fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/disk2s2
So TIME (CPU Time?) keeps increasing.
This task ran overnite
ps -ef
0 1 0 0 8:12AM ?? 2:44.66 /sbin/launchd
Uninstall software on mac
delete from Applications folder
Apptrap pops up to offer to kindly nuke
/Library/Application Support
~/Library/Application Support
batch rename utility for mac
ID command
$ id
uid=501(selwyn) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff),701(,12(everyone),61(localaccounts),79(_appserverusr),80(admin),81(_appserveradm),98(_lpadmin),702(,33(_appstore),100(_lpoperator),204(_developer),250(_analyticsusers),395(,398(,399(
Good free markdown editor/views
chmod -R 777 *
Danny sent me this link when I was setting up my new mac a few months ago.
transmit ftp client
actually, for real though, if that doesn't work you should call or chat with apple since it's a brand new computer
panic(cpu 4 caller 0xffffff7f905a1ad5): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 120 seconds
service:, total successful checkins since load (14540 seconds ago): 1455, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago
service:, total successful checkins since load (14510 seconds ago): 1439, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago
Backtrace (CPU 4), Frame : Return Address
0xffffff923436b720 : 0xffffff800fb1a65d
0xffffff923436b770 : 0xffffff800fc54a75
0xffffff923436b7b0 : 0xffffff800fc465fe
0xffffff923436b800 : 0xffffff800fac0a40
0xffffff923436b820 : 0xffffff800fb19d27
0xffffff923436b920 : 0xffffff800fb1a117
0xffffff923436b970 : 0xffffff80102c1b28
0xffffff923436b9e0 : 0xffffff7f905a1ad5
0xffffff923436b9f0 : 0xffffff7f905a17fa
0xffffff923436ba10 : 0xffffff80102539ce
0xffffff923436ba60 : 0xffffff7f905a0cfe
0xffffff923436bb60 : 0xffffff801025cbf3
0xffffff923436bca0 : 0xffffff800fc035e2
0xffffff923436bdb0 : 0xffffff800fb203c8
0xffffff923436be10 : 0xffffff800faf6d15
0xffffff923436be70 : 0xffffff800fb0db22
0xffffff923436bf00 : 0xffffff800fc2c065
0xffffff923436bfa0 : 0xffffff800fac1226
Kernel Extensions in backtrace:[832CC890-EE61-33E0-8FD4-8D354BCD0921]@0xffffff7f905a0000->0xffffff7f905a8fff
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: watchdogd
Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev
Mac OS version:
I unchecked the following on my System preferences, Energy Saver, Battery options
1. Prevent computer from sleeping automatically when the display is off
2. Enable Power Nap while plugged into a power adapter
This has led to two overnight sessions of no kernel panics so far. Hope this helps someone
Does anyone know a comprehensive Mac app to create SQL Diagramms? I think is quite good, but it's a little bit too basic. MySQL Workbench is good enough for most programming demands. You can create EER Model and can also synchronize the model with DB Changes or vice versa. You can use it with no cost as it's a open-source application. I have been using MySQL for a year and it is very useful for me. I recommend it to you if you don't need any enterprise features and performance.
color picker
Just Color Picker
Option X to select a color
also Digital Color
(built in to mac OS)
in Zshell
Command + Shift + Up-arrow
Command + Shift + Dn-arrow
Jump from command to command
shows all the details of a user
kinda like whoami on steroids
Trying to resolve permissions issue where mac os pops up asking for permission
Stephen suggested checking out this to allow terminal full disk access
this leads to
added and checked it, restarted it
we’ll see.
If you find your mac automatically timing out run
from a terminal. That should turn off screensaver, sleep mode, etc. until you hit Ctrl-C to stop the process.
edit ~/.zshrc
Cheat sheet! Cheatsheet#commands
alias sz='source ~/.zshrc' # Easily source your ~/.zshrc file.
alias zshrc='vim ~/.zshrc' # Easily edit your ~/.zshrc file.
alias myip="curl; echo"
autocomplete: use up and down arrow to scroll thru commands
File Navigation: just type the directory name
.. cd ..
... cd ../..
.... cd ../../..
..... cd ../../../..
same as dirs -v which lists last used dirs
then type the number dir you want
Navigate to Anything Using z
z dir
z tea
sudo plugin
hit ESC ESC to add sudo in front of a command
key combos:
• Ctrl + U – delete from the cursor to the start of the line.
• Ctrl + K – delete from the cursor to the end of the line.
• Ctrl + W – delete from the cursor to the start of the preceding word.
• Alt + D – delete from the cursor to the end of the next word.
• Ctrl + L – clear the terminal.
Create a new directory and change to it, will create intermediate directories as required.
autocomplete from Kristine
maybe this one:
ah yes, zsh-autosuggestions is the one I use
zshell vs bash
Terminal is the default on Mac OS X. While it works perfectly fine, options such as iTerm 2 or Hyper offer an enormous amount of customization.
Paste a password, secret message or private link below.
Keep sensitive info out of your email and chat logs.