By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

It’s been a tough week.

My neighbor, who is very sweet, as well as developmentally challenged, has a habit of coming into my backyard and leaving the gate open.  At least I think it is she who leaves it open... The gate is often mysteriously open after I meticulously close it, and I doubt the chickens know how to open the latch. I know she visits when I'm not home because I've found her there before.

By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

Yesterday morning was the Drip Irrigation Demonstration at Linda and Kurtis Colonna's lovely home in Manchaca. The plan was to install two irrigation systems, one at what I am calling the "Tropical Hook," and the other at the swale and berm they built at the corner of the yard where the driveway meets the street, which I'm calling the "Angle Berm".

By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

Recently, one of my clients let their subscription to AVG anti-virus lapse and all 8 computers on their network were complaining about the subscription having expired.  I purchased a new license key and went about putting it into the AVG's that were running. Strangely, the field for the license number was grayed out so I couldn't paste it in. 

By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

Hi All,

We had a great organizational meeting this past Saturday, after the work part of our day, at Posse East in Austin, Texas. 

Our objectives for meeting were to, 1) make sure we keep up our gardens after they are installed, 2) create work teams and team leaders for upcoming permablitzes, 3) plan the August permablitz, and 4) visit Kealing Middle School and begin the design process for the September permablitz.

By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

If you check Drupal 7 module updates and you get messages indicating no available releases found for modules that you know are legitimate.  It usually looks something like this.  The URL is ../admin/reports/updates  There is a quick fix:

By Selwyn Polit, 25 August, 2021

On Drupal 7 sites I always spend time in the content view.  That is the one at admin/content.  I usually install the views bulk operation module so I get these cool new views that I can easily tweak.  What a pleasure!  Recently I was on a site that had the administration views module installed.  This replaces the default views for content and comment (and more.)  Unfortunately the link for editing the view that is